Fan Is Not Working on My 95 L9000 Cummins

  1. Just had my cummins isx inframed with a new head and brought it home notice the fan would not disengage.unhooked transmit communication channel to fan hold IT moved in and out checked for power to solenoid and no great power with key on could not breakthrough any unsound wires now stumped anyone with any ideas.
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  3. cannot witness any fuses for sports fan clutch unless it is tagged something else .
  4. lilillill

    lilillill Satire... it's not just now for breakfast

    Nigh fan solenoids are controlled by ECM reason. They are inline with the ECM that turns on a junction transistor to complete the circuit to ground. Because they are designed American Samoa failsafe, the anchor lap is completed when the fan is non needed. Meaning, the solenoid is grounded, allowing vent flow to the clutch to keep the lover forth.

    If the fan solenoid fails or there is low air pressure, the fan will stay on.

    Because the ECM controls it, there are versatile things that volition hit the buff stay on...

    1. High coolant temperature.
    2. High AC pressing.
    3. Deep atmospheric pressure.
    4. Either one of the wires are open.
    5. The hot wire is shorted to ground.
    6. The solenoid is high-risk.
    7. Blown fuse or bad electrical relay.
    8. Bad ECM.

    Because you say in that location's atomic number 102 power at the solenoid, is there a blown fuse? Did a wire get pinched between the brain and the block when they put it back together?

    Make out not attempt to jump superpowe to the solenoid wires unless you know for dang sure which peerless is hot and which one goes to the Electronic countermeasures. You'll smoke the fan MOSFET in the ECM if it gets 12 volts.

  5. lilillill

    lilillill Sarcasm... it's not sporty for breakfast

    Just go through the meld box with a test light and check every one with the key happening.
  6. did that already all light up might sample to jump the a/c sensor next with truck lengthwise and so the temp sensor excessively.
  7. That is precisely wherefore I stated ALL fuses, there are multiplication when a fuse is tagged as one thing but serves other circuits besides.
  8. lilillill

    lilillill Sarcasm... it's not just for breakfast

    I wouldn't do that. All of that stuff is adjunctive to the ECM and it's manner too rich to accidentally destroy a $3000 box if you send power down the wrong telegram. Undergo a reckoner hooked improving to IT and see what the state of the switches and coolant temp the ECM is seeing.

    If the ECM says the fan should be off and the Alternating current insistency switch and coolant temp match, then you need to very carefully watch over the fan solenoid wires back to the firewall, looking for any damage to the draw rein.

    Is this in the truck pictured in your avatar? Maybe someone with KW knowledge might know precisely which flux/relay is for the fan solenoid.

  9. ok I'm going to take information technology back to the shop at that did all the work to it tomorrow they have cummins insight let him deal with it because it worked before they overhauled information technology so they can project it stunned and yes the hand truck in my avatar is the same one.
  10. found the problem the motor calls to cut fan murder at 5 min after start the problem was the air line of reasoning from solenoid to fan clutch it had a braided inner liner that had partially collapsed restricting the air flow.I could push give away air to the devotee but there wasn't adequate pressure from truck replaced line all good now thanks.
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  • Fan Is Not Working on My 95 L9000 Cummins


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